06 January 2009

Is he really that triflin?!

Ok. So a couple weeks ago, I met a guy at Candy's girlfriends graduation party. he was cute and we exchanged numbers. So, the Tuesday before Christmas he asked me if i wanted to grab a bite to eat at Pentagon City for lunch. I agreed and we met there. Now, he didnt pay for my food (even tho HE invited ME to lunch) but i wasnt trippin. I figured that maybe he just wanted to get a good look at me to make sure i wasnt ugly, since we met in a dark party. We hit it off and decided that we would spend new years eve together.

Now, fast foward through christmas and onto the day before new years eve which i think was a Tuesday. He emails me at work and asks if i wanted to see a movie. I agreed, but by the end of the day i relaized that i hadnt had ANYTHING to eat, so i call him and ask if we can go to dinner. He says that he already made some salisbury steak but that we could go out anyway, I asked him if he was sure and he said yes. So i make my way out to Landover. On the way there we decided that we were going to get Outback. So I arrive at his house and this is where the triflinessocity begins:

Triflinessocity #1:

He opens the door and is still pullin his sweat er over his head, but he's not fast enough for me to NOT see the BIG ASS holes in his tank top. Yes, holes. Like he wrapped a baby tiger in his shirt and it was trying to get free, those kind of holes.

Triflinessocity #2:

I ignore the holes (because as long as they are under your shirt that has nothin to do with me gettin my grub on FOR FREE!!! We walk down the steps and get to the parking lot and he's walkin to my car....and im walkin to his. Im like, what the hell are you doin? I'm not drivin! So he comes over to his car (like i knew he would) adn we are on our way to Outback. Once we get there...

Triflinessocity #3:

He leans into me and says, "oh yeah, i was going to tell you that since i thought we were going to the movies...i only brought 25 dollars."

Ummmm...yeah. So i tell him that I hope he can eat for 25 dollars bc he is payin for his self. And I'm payin for mine. Yall...remember that I hadnt eaten all day so i was too hungry to get as pissed as I would if my stomach was full. We are seated (by this FOINE ass server) and then...

Triflinessocity #4:

He starts embarrassin the SHIT outta me. he proceeds to ask the FOINE ass server how much drinks are. and i dont mean drinks in general...i mean, like several DIFFERENT drinks. Yall, if i was white, i woulda been red. The server is visibly irritated but dude finally settled on a bud light. I order my food and dinner was ok. we talked a while and i almost forgot about how triflin he had been...almost.

We leave the restuarant and we are listenin to Sade' Cherish The Day. He tells me that he plays the bass guitar and that he can play me that song when we got to his house. I said ok, but that i wasnt stayin long bc i hadda work the next day.

when we got to his house, he played the song...but then he goes, "hold on, lemme slip into somethin more comfortable" (i lie to you not, he really said that) and when he pulls his pants down.....


I could see ALL his junk. omg. just omg.

I got up and left. and to make the rest of this long story short, I ignored his calls on New Years which prompted him to drunk call me and leave me a funny ass message cussin me out. then Saturday, he texte me and asked me why i wasnt speakin to him and when i responded that he had holes in his boxers his reply was:

Awww girl it was laundry day!




Anonymous said...

OMG! That was funny as hell but sad too, you should just keep him around for laughs!

Amber-Alert said...

LMAOOOOOO FINISHED!!!!! since u got a peak was it a nice size lmao might have to keep him on the back burner lol lol lol!!!!!!

pink said...

tima...he mad at me cuz i put him on blast...lol

amber...gurl no! lmao! Plus i cant be lookin at no shredded ass boxers!

Anonymous said...

Girl tell him u was playing and buy him so new "cheap" boxers from the dollar general! Lol

StarzGazR said...

Oh hell no!! Girl you are a stronger person then I.. i woulda dipped out on the resturant after getting the servers DIGITS!!! lmao

pink said...

Star...please dont think i didnt think about it...only problem was my genius ass insisted that HE drive lmao!!

Amber-Alert said...

lmao thats just hilarious to me damn i wish i could have seen ur face...i kno it was priceless lol!!

Mrs Count said...

Now Pink you know that you've worn some ratty tatty panties and then stripped down in front of a virtual stranger on laundry day before! No? Oh well, this was soooo funny!

Jazzy said...

lol...honestly i forgive him more for the raggedy draws and less for all the other shit his cheap ass pulled.

he needs to go on permanent igganigganore.

Brothers Blog said...

LMAO That shit was hilarious. Holes in boxers and beater. Damn bruh. If it was like that he shouldn't have let it be known.

Truthful Trish said...

Omg that was hilarious I was dying reading this
I like your blog girl!!!! ;-) just showing love

Dave Van Buren said...

This dude is my new role model. he took "I don't give a fuk" to a whole new level... lol

pserendipity said...

Bwaaahahaha. I was done at $25. I'm not even sure that trifling is an accurate description of this dood.

Katrina said...

hahahahahahaah WOOOOW!

Love the blog!!!