19 August 2008

Tuesday's Thoughts

Hello and Good Morning!

Ummm...i have 2 days before I'm sipping alcoholic beverages poolside in Vegas. Just thought I'd share that.

Anyway, my mom wants to read my blog. We're in the car last night and shes all, "Can i read your blog? How can I see your blog?" My response? "Negative." And i meant it. NO! She can not read my damned blog. You dont understand, its not even that I'm scared for her to read it because i'm a grown assed woman and i live by my damned self. but my mom likes to analyze things...over...and Over....and OVER again. Once i blog about something im usually done talking about it. She'll want to rehash everything i wrote about. Or she'll be like, "Why did you say that on the internet?!" I dont have the time or enough tylenol to deal with that. No. she cant read it.

OMG. Yesterday i was at work and this white guy and two black guys come in trying to sell me their craptastic assed CD and I'm like, "Na, I'm good." So the white guy is trying to reason with me about why I should buy their CD and one of the other guy interrupts and says something that I can't remember next thing i know i hear the white guy shout, "SHUT THE FUCK UP WHEN I'M FUCKIN TALKIN!!"....ummmm [ B L A N K S T A R E ] Are you fuckin kidding me?! I'ma tell yall like this here:

I'LL BE GOTDAMNED. (there are no exclamation points bc i want yall to know how serious i am)

I'm sorry but you aint just gon scream on me like that and think you aint finna (yes, i know i said finna) get punched in yo damned mouth. It couldnt be anybody, much less a white person. Dawg...ion even think i would let my MAMA scream on me like that in public. Is you crazy?! See i get real ingnorant if somebody tries to play me in public. Cuz i just feel like as high as gas is...all i got out here is my dignity. and i REFUSED to get sonned...by ANYONE. And get this....dude aint even say nothin. NOTHIN. Couldntna been me. Imjussayin =/

You ever call T-mobile or Bank of America or somethin and get that automated voice? Of course you have. I hate her. I'm callin my bank yesterday to transfer some funds and this is how the conversation went:

Her: Hi. I'd like to help you carry out your transaction...what would you like to do today?
Me: Transfer funds.
Her: Im Sorry, please repeat that?
Me: (kinda loud) TRANFER FUNDS.
Her: OK. I can help you with that. Please say your account number.
Me: xxxxxxxxxx
Her: was that xxxxxxxxx?
Me: NO!
Her: Ok. Please enter you social security number.
Me: xxxxxxxxx
Her: I see youve done a tranfer from this phone before. (why does that matter?) Which account would you like to transfer from?
Me: Checking to savings.
Her: Ok. In what amount?
Me: 50 dollars.
Her: Was that...fifteen HUNDRED dollars?
Me: NO! FIF-TEE Dollars.
Her: Ok. fifteen dollars. Is that right?
Me: *really fuckin frustrated now* No!
Her: I'm sorry...you must be in an area with bad reception, please-

and then i hung up. that really pissed me off. how the fuck do you even know that I'm on a damned cell phone?! I mean I was but still. Why the hell cant I just talk to a regular damned person? That was like a damned 10 minute conversation for a 2 minute transaction. I was really irritated by it then, and im started to get irritated about it now...so maybe i should just stop. what do you think?

Oh!! Before i go...*draggin my foot back and forth and twiddlin my thumbs infront of me* Ummm...Dave...I kinda maybe sorta a little bit wanted to know if you wanted to see mirrors with me...you know if you want to and all...i mean, i dont know if you have plans or anything...lmao! sike na im not even shy like that. Dave, you IS going to see Mirrors wit me...when i come back from Vegas of course...and you aint got no damned choice bout dat either!! (I like the Rasputia approach better, whaddayou think? *bats eyelashes*) LMAO!!!!

ok im going foreal this time.



iCandy21 said...

I had alotta things to say initially until I got to the end of ur blog, and I figured I'd focus on that. LMMFAO at you asking Dave on a movie date via your blog...I should fuck u up for that. and I'll fuck Dave up if he don't go...tell him I said that!

Dave Van Buren said...

wait is that Dave meaning me? And did you just ask me nicely and threaten me at the same time? I'm confused...lol

wait your friend threatened me too. So I'ma get jumped if I don't comply? uuuummm since you put it like that... Sure I'll go.
drop me a line dave@bdc1950.com

Mrs Count said...

I was all set to come in and cosign on the dave part, but Rasputia and icandy handled that sooooo.....

"Cuz i just feel like as high as gas is...all i got out here is my dignity"

I am crying laughing over here! When we were younger my sister used to get loud with me in public because she knew I was soft spoken and wouldn't get loud back. Then she started waking up with bloddy noses in the middle of the night and realized she better chill out with that "showing out" in front of others. If I was that black dude that guy better hope 1. I didn't drive him there because he would get left and 2. That he never falls asleep around me because he would not be waking up. I'm passive aggressive like that, but hey, it works for me!

And don't let mom read the blog! Find some crazy blog and tell her it's yours she'll be so shocked she won't want to read yours anyway, lol.