18 September 2008

Tell Em Why You Mad Thursdays!!

Here it is...the second edition of tell em why you mad Thursdays...hopefully itll be more successful than last time...lol. Here goes:

I hate when you hold the door open for someone and they dont feel the need to hurry the hell up. Its like they think you're gonna stand there and hold the door forever! Ummmm...no, im not. I got so pissed off yesterday that I waited for the guy to get close enough to grab the door himself and then I let it go. yeah it was a bitchy thing to do but i dont care.

I hate when I'm driving and someone cuts me off and then waves thanks through the back window. BITCH! i aint LET you in...you cut me off! That really pisses me off.

If you work in an office environment then you can undestand this one: I hate when we have a conference call and two people in the office put it on speaker. so not only can I hear the lady on the other side of my partition talkin but i can hear you on my bosses phone also...would it hurt one of you to pick up the phone?

I hate that some guys dont start acting right until you start ignorin them. By the time I start ignorin you, I usually dont like you. Now you want to start callin and askin me out and I just get irritated.

I hate lurkers!! if you are reading my blog then comment!! that way i can come to your spot and have somethin to read when i am bored and my other blog buddies are too lazy to blog!! lol

Thats it for me right now...go head and tell em why you mad son!



iCandy21 said...

I'm mad that you said, "tell em why you mad son!"...that son...I got a problem with...I can't be ya friend for 5 min based on that remark!

I'm sorry ion have nothing to contribute right now, but I may later lol. I liked these today though...the lurker one was great!

Oh and I blogged already so u can't be mad at me today for taking forever to blog!

Dave Van Buren said...

I hate when I hold the door for women and they don't say "thank you" Like it's my pleasure to stop and wait for your slow ass to walk thru the door.

pink said...

lol at candy for takin away her friendship!

lmao at super dave...i always say thank you cuz its rude if you dont. You should start sayin YOUR WELCOME! if they dont say thank you...itll make them feel bad.

Anonymous said...

I hate fake azz females with alot of mouth. Im mad that my boss think he can come in a hour and thrity mins late and think he can get mad at us if we come like 15mins late! Thanks for stopping by me and my sis page, we added you to our blog roll!

(vixenchick) said...

i'm mad cuz all the guys i work with gossip like 15 year old girls. yuck.

p.s. icandy is turning me out! i have a crush on her!lol!

Morgo ™ said...

I'm mad that I have to sit at this desk for 8hrs a day with nothing at all to do.
Govt Jobs suck BALLS!!!
Oh and Im mad that my comment it months late... but I just found your blog while I was browsing sooooo yea...