23 October 2008

Reappearing Acts

Well Well. Look who decided to call. Mr. Johnny-on-the-spot. *eyeroll*...mmmmhm. He called last night with his excuse...and askin me could we still get together that night. Now, while I can understand his reason for basically falling off of the face of the earth for 24 hours on Tuesday...there was no way that I was gonna still go out with him. Unt-uh...not gon happen. I told him that I had already made plans (plans to get in my bed, but that aint his bidness). So when I said that, he had the nerve to act all disappointed! But thats his fault bc even tho he was busy taking care of some personal things it takes all of about 15 seconds to compose and send a text (I think that technology will soon be the death of the player). So no matter how busy you were, you're never too busy to send a text saying "Hey Im really super busy 2day but i saw that u called n i cant w8 2 c u 2maro" or some texty shit like that. But he didnt, so bc he didnt...he's been pushed to the back of my (very short) list, lol.

I have to admit tho that I was glad that he called, which makes me mad tho bc, I had just made up my mind that Iwas never calling him again. I even deleted my call log and his number and all of his texts so that it would be impossible to call. Why do guys do that. Its like they have some internal alarm that goes off whenever they think that we are getting over them or on a date or something. Thats when they want to start callin and pullin that "Baby Baby please!" crap.

Anyway, I played it cool. It was a short conversation, he asked when we could get together, I told him that I was off the entire weekend and that we could get together then. He started talkin some shit I aint wanna hear about how he's supposed to get together with his cousins this weekend. So I just told him to let me know once he figured everything out. But he bet not wait til the last minute to call me askin me out the same day cuz that doesnt work for me. You need to call at least 2 days in advance.

He almost had me with the 6 hour sweet talk bullshit but he screwed up so I'm bout to play the effin game.

It's on like Donky Kong bitch!



Latoya said...

LOL thats right girl

that what he get for not texting you or something to let you know he was busy or whatever

Mrs Count said...

Make him act right or kick him to the curb!

Anonymous said...

Sorry Pink its Tima My computer was acting up and it would not let me put a comment on ya page only!And don't be giving me the Side Eye Missy! SORRY! But if u do go out make him buy u some stuff then never call him again! Lol

Dave Van Buren said...

Games are for kids and Xbox's. But he might have just been out for a quick shot of ass, I guess time will tell.

iCandy21 said...

good job good job! nice way to handle it homie! people's excuses usually never are good enough to constitute an unsent text or quick 2 sec call.

pink said...

Toya...yes gurl thats what the hell is ass gets!

TM...Thats exactly what I plan on doing...i WILL let him get away with mediocrity lmao!!

Tima...Ok i guess i can not give you the side eye...Nasha is still gettin it tho lol...I dont think i could do that...i dont really use people...i'd rather just not deal with him.

Dave...well if he waitin for this ass, he can keep on cuz its already been 6 months...a lil longer will NOT hurt me. =/

Candy...exactly, thats why I was pissed off.