17 June 2008

Dear random people who piss me off

Dear Dumb-bitch-who-tosses-her-change-on-the-counter,

If it wasnt for me being at work and needing my part time job being that the cost of gas is now 4.11....i would have whipped your immigrant ass. what the fux wrong wit you and why are you tossin your change on the cash wrap like im homeless?! THEN you had the nerve to look at me like IM the crazy one when i say: Dont throw no more change on that counter. you better be glad thats what i SAID cuz i really wanted to throw that body butter at your damn forehead. I am not your servant and you are not better than me. if i catch you in my store again and you wanna act like you dont remember what the hell i told you: it WILL get ugly, bitch. trust.

Dear Pentagon workers,

9-11 did happen. you know, when that plane flew into the building and killed thousands of people? yeah that. so ima need yall to get some pep in your step when an unscheduled alarm goes off in the building. no, you shouldnt finish that spreadsheet, or continue buttering your toast. And im pretty sure your dear old gramma will understand if you abrubtly end the conversation (she prolly wont remember anyway) due to an evacuation of the building. i understand that since 9-11 nothin has happened but that doesnt mean that you need to congregate in the halls to talk about tiger woods winning the stanley cup or whatever the hell he won bc 1. he will not share the money with you and 2. id like to keep my life and if you are in my way...I will do the Heisman on that ho. this is just for future reference of course.

Dear boss of mine,

you heard the alarm like i did. dont ask me why im takin my purse. i take my purse everywhere, and you know that. thats your business that you dont at least bring your keys when we evac...when this shit is for real dont as me for a ride home*...yadigg?!

ya gurl.

* my boss lives 2 miles away from me. and i dont care.


Jazzy said...


Girl...I am so with you on taking your purse when evacuating. Most people don't get serious when alarms go off...but me...well, I take all that ish seriously. You just NEVER know!

During 9-11, half of my team was at the world trade center. One of the women, left her purse when evacuating because she was so sure, she could get it later or that her hubby (a firefighter) would retrieve it for her. Of course she never got it back.

Cashiering...don't hurt nobody! lol

Mrs Count said...

I know the feeling working retail! I worked at CVS for six years and those sick old people were mean! I just kept my hand held out when people threw money on the counter! I acted just like I didn't see it, lol.

Don't random letters just make you feel so much better! When you act up, it takes away the guilt. Next time you see that lady, you can slap her and tell her, I tried to warn you, you should have read my blog!